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International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [1]

hev ´' nz ( שׁמים , shāmayı̄m  ; οὐρανοί , ouranoı́ ): On the physical heavens see Astronomy; World . Above these, in popular conception, were the celestial heavens, the abode of God and of the hosts of angels ( Psalm 11:4;  Psalm 103:19-21;  Isaiah 66:1;  Revelation 4:2;  Revelation 5:11; compare  Daniel 7:10 ), though it was recognized that Yahweh's presence was not confined to any region ( 1 Kings 8:27 ). Later Judaism reckoned seven heavens. The apostle Paul speaks of himself as caught up into "the third heaven," which he evidently identifies with Paradise2 Corinthians 12:2 ). See Heavenly .
