Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]
signifies "to throw over a precipice" (kata, "down," kremnos, "a steep bank," etc.), said of the purpose of the people of Nazareth to destroy Christ, Luke 4:29 .
an adjective denoting "headlong, prone," is used with the verb ginomai, "to become," in Acts 1:18 , of the death of Judas, "falling headlong;" various suggestions have been made as to the actual details; some ascribe to the word the meaning "swelling up."
Webster's Dictionary [2]
(1): ( a. & adv.) With the head foremost; as, to fall headlong.
(2): ( a. & adv.) Hastily; without delay or respite.
(3): ( a. & adv.) Rashly; precipitately; without deliberation.
(4): ( a.) Rash; precipitate; as, headlong folly.
(5): ( a.) Steep; precipitous.
King James Dictionary [3]
Headlong adv. hed'long. With the head foremost as, to fall headlong.
1. Rashly precipitately without deliberation.
--He hurries headlong to his fate.
2. Hastily without delay or respite.
HEADLONG, a. hed'long. Steep precipitous.
1. Rash precipitate as headlong folly.