Harden (The Heart)

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Harden (The Heart) [1]

Exodus 7:13 (a) By this type is described that one who deliberately refuses to listen to GOD's Word, or to obey His voice. This rebellious spirit shuts GOD out of his life deliberately. The expression occurs in many places, and we give just a few of the references. Exodus 9:12; Exodus 10:1; Exodus 11:10; Deuteronomy 2:30; Matthew 19:8; Mark 3:5.

2 Kings 17:14 (a) Reference is made by this figure to the way that a horse stiffens its neck so that the driver cannot guide the head to the right or to the left. The horse usually does this when it is frightened or angry, takes the bit firmly in its teeth, stiffens the neck and then runs away out of control. The Lord does not want us to act toward Him that way. (See Nehemiah 9:16).

Job 9:4 (a) This word describes the firm determination of any person to rebel against GOD, to refuse the teaching of His Word, and to reject GOD's counsel. Such a one cannot expect the blessing of GOD either in this life, or the next.

Job 39:16 (a) In this figure we see that the mother bird has lost her love for her babies and goes away to leave them without care, food or protection. This is most unnatural, and it is unnatural that one who enjoys the blessing of GOD should turn away from that wonderful Lord.

Daniel 5:20 (a) By this word is described a mind that has turned against GOD and is opposed to GOD's thoughts and GOD's will. It is the mind of an egotist who relegates all power and glory to himself in rebellion against the living GOD.

Hebrews 3:8 (a) We may refuse to bow to GOD's promises of deliverance, refuse to let Him be our Deliverer, reject Him as our Captain, and try to run our own lives by our wits and wisdom. This is the meaning of "harden." (See Hebrews 4:2).

Acts 19:9 (a) In this way the Lord is telling us that, after hearing the preaching of the Word, some decided not to accept it, but rather to oppose it. This kind of heart is sometimes called a "stony" heart. (See Ezekiel 11:19).

Hebrews 3:13 (a) Sin tends to turn the heart from GOD, and to keep the soul from being influenced by the Holy Spirit. The heart ceases to respond to the love and the grace, and the mind ceases to believe and obey GOD's will.
