
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [1]

Hararite . An epithet of doubtful meaning (possibly ‘mountain-dweller,’ but more probably ‘native of [an unknown] Harar’) applied to two of David’s heroes. 1. Shammah the son of Agee2 Samuel 23:11; 2Sa 23:33 ,   1 Chronicles 11:34 [where Shagee should probably be Shammah ]). 2. Ahiam the son of Sharar2 Samuel 23:33 [RV [Note: Revised Version.] Ararite ],   1 Chronicles 11:35 ).

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [2]

("mountaineer".)  2 Samuel 23:11;  2 Samuel 23:33; compare  1 Chronicles 11:34-35. Kennicott would read in both Sam. and Chronicles "Jonathan, son of Shammah (David's brother Shimei) the Hararite."

Morrish Bible Dictionary [3]

Designation of Agee, Shammah, Shage, and Sharar or Sacar.  2 Samuel 23:11,33;  1 Chronicles 11:34,35 . The term has been thought to signify 'mountaineer.'

Holman Bible Dictionary [4]


International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [5]

hā´ra - rı̄t ( ההררי , ha - hărārı̄ , or האררי , - 'ărārı̄ ): Literally, "mountaineer," more particularly an inhabitant of the hill country of Judah. Thus used of two heroes:

(1) Shammah, the son of Agee ( 2 Samuel 23:11 ,  2 Samuel 23:33 ). The parallel passage,  1 Chronicles 11:34 , has "Shage" in place of "Shammah."

(2) Ahiam, the son of Sharar the Ararite" ( 2 Samuel 23:33 ). In  1 Chronicles 11:35 , "Sacar" for Sharar as here.
