Hans Witzstadt

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Hans Witzstadt [1]

an Anabaptist hymn-writer of the 16th century, is known by some hymns which he probably wrote in the first half of that century, because he speaks of the inroad of the sultan, Soleiman II, in 1521, and of the preparations of the emperor Charles V against the Smalkald League, in 1546. One of his hymns, Kompt her zu mir, spricht Gottes Son, has been translated into English, "'Come hither,' says the Son of God," by the late Dr. Mills, in his Horce Germanicce, p. 47. See Schade, in the Weinzars'ches Jahrbuch Mur deutsche Sprache, Liteatur und Kunst (Hanover, 1856), volume 4; Koch, Gesch. d. deutschen Kirchenliedes, 2:141 sq. (B.P.)
