Guillaume Van Oonsell

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Guillaume Van Oonsell [1]

a Flemish Roman Catholic preacher, was born at Antwerp August 9, 1571. He studied in Spain, and after his return to his native land joined the Dominicans at Ghent in 1593. After being for a while professor of theology at Anitwerl. He became successively sub-prior at Maestricht, prior at Ghent and Bruges, and definitor of the province. He had at the same time great success as a preacher. Oonsell died at Ghent Sept. 3, 1630. He wrote, Clavis cellarii divinae et humanae sapientice (Antw. 1613, 12mo; Ghent, 1627, 12mo): Pratum floridissinum concionun de tempore (Antw. 1617, 4 pts. 12mo): Enchiridion concionatorumn, ex Roseto aureo Silvestri Prieratis (ibid. 1619, 12mo): Syntaxis instructissima S. Scripturce (ibid. 1622-1627, 12mo; Paris, 1682, 2 vols. 12mo): Offcina sacra Biblica .(Douai. 1624, 12mo): Hieroylyphica sacra (Antw. 1627, 12mo). See Echard et Quetif, Scriptores ord. Prcedicat. 1:551, 667 sq.; 2:7, 9, 465; Paquot, Memoires, vol. x.
