Gui (Or Guimar) Detatmpes

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Gui (Or Guimar) Detatmpes [1]

Gui (or Guimar) Detatmpes

a French prelate, was born about the middle of the 11th century. He studied in the famous school of Le Mans, and became the disciple of Hildebert of Lavardin. He visited afterwards several other schools, and also went to England, where he studied under the direction of St. Anselm, archbishop of Canterbury. After his return he assumed- the functions of a professor under Hildebert, and succeeded him in 1097 as director at the school of Le Mans. According to the Histoire Litteraire, "Hildebert had more talent for composition and declamation; but Gui surpassed him in the liberal arts, which attracted to him a great concourse of students." Gui succeeded Hildebert as bishop of Le Mans in 1126, and did not cease even then to occupy himself with the instruction of the schools. He died in 1135, and left no writings. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
