Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]
"very, exceedingly," is rendered "greatly" in Matthew 27:14 , of wonder; 2—Timothy 4:15 , of opposition; 2—John 1:4; 3—John 1:3 , of joy. See Exceeding , Sore , Very.
is used in the neuter singular (polu) or the plural (polla), as an adverb; in the sing., e.g., Mark 12:27; in the plural, e.g., Mark 1:45 , "much;" Mark 5:23 , "greatly" (RV, "much"); Mark 5:38 , AV and RV, "greatly;" 1—Corinthians 16:12 (RV, "much"). See Long , Much.
from megas (GREAT, No. 1), is used of rejoicing, Philippians 4:10 .
"joy," is used in the dative case adverbially with the verb chairo, "to rejoice," in John 3:29 , "rejoiceth greatly," lit., "rejoiceth with joy."
Matthew 27:54 Acts 6:7Exceed Philippians 1:8 1—Thessalonians 3:6 2—Timothy 1:4 Luke 1:29 Acts 16:34 1—Peter 1:8 1—Peter 1:6
King James Dictionary [2]
Greatly adv. In a great degree much.
I will greatly multiply thy sorrow. Genesis 3
1. Nobly illustriously.
By a high fate, thou greatly didst expire.
2. Magnanimously generously bravely.
He greatly scorned to turn his back on his foe. He greatly spurned the offered boon.