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Watson's Biblical & Theological Dictionary [1]

חגב ,  Leviticus 11:22;  Numbers 13:33;  2 Chronicles 7:13;  Ecclesiastes 12:5;  Isaiah 40:22; 2 Esther 4:24; Wis_16:9; Ecclesiastes 43:17. Bochart supposes that this species of the locust has its name from the Arabic verb hajaba, "to veil," because, when they fly, as they often do, in great swarms, they eclipse even the light of the sun. "But I presume," says Parkhurst, "this circumstance is not peculiar to any particular kind of locust: I should rather, therefore, think it denotes the cucullated species, so denominated by naturalists from the cucullus, ‘cowl' or ‘hood,' with which they are furnished, and which distinguishes them from the other kinds. In Scheuchzer may be seen several of this sort; and it will appear that this species nearly resemble our grasshopper." Our translators render the Hebrew word locust in the prayer of Solomon at the dedication of the temple,   2 Chronicles 7:13 , and with propriety. But it is rendered grasshopper, in   Ecclesiastes 12:5 , where Solomon, describing the infelicities of old age, says, "The grasshopper shall be a burden." "To this insect," says Dr. Smith, "the preacher compares a dry, shrunk, shrivelled, crumpling, craggy old man; his backbone sticking out, his knees projecting forward, his arms backward, his head downward, and the apophyses or bunching parts of the bones in general enlarged. And from this exact likeness, without all doubt, arose the fable of Tithonus, who, living to extreme old age, was at last turned into a grasshopper." Dr. Hodgson, referring it to the custom of eating locusts, supposes it to imply that luxurious gratification will become insipid; and Bishop Reynolds, that the lightest pressure of so small a creature shall be uncomfortable to the aged, as not being able to bear any weight. Other commentators suppose the reference to the chirping noise of the grasshopper, which must be disagreeable to the aged and infirm, who naturally love quiet, and are commonly unable to bear much noise. It is probable that here, also, a kind of locust is meant; and these creatures are proverbially loquacious. They make a loud, screaking, and disagreeable noise with their wings. If one begins, others join, and the hateful concert becomes universal. A pause then ensues, and, as it were, on a signal given, it again commences; and in this manner they continue squalling for two or three hours without intermission. The Prophet Isaiah contrasts the grandeur and power of God, and every thing reputed great in this world, by a very expressive reference to this insect: Jehovah sitteth on the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants are to him as grasshoppers,  Isaiah 40:22 . What atoms and inanities are they all before him, who sitteth on the circle of the immense heavens, and views the potentates of the earth in the light of grasshoppers, those poor insects that wander over the barren heath for sustenance, spend the day in insignificant chirpings, and take up their contemptible lodging at night on a blade of grass! See Locust .

Easton's Bible Dictionary [2]

In  Judges 6:5;  7:12;  Job 39:30;  Jeremiah 46:23 , where the Authorized Version has "grasshopper," the Revised Version more correctly renders the Hebrew word ('arbeh) by "locust." This is the case also in  Amos 7:1;  Nahum 3:17 , where the Hebrew word Gob Is used; and in   Leviticus 11:22;  Numbers 13:33;  Ecclesiastes 12:5;  Isaiah 40:22 , where Hagab is used. In all these instances the proper rendering is probably "locust" (q.v.).

American Tract Society Bible Dictionary [3]

A kind of locust, and so called in  2 Chronicles 7:13 . It was sometimes used for food,  Leviticus 11:22 . Individually they are insignificant and timid creatures,  Numbers 13:33 , and their worthlessness furnishes a striking comparison in  Isaiah 40:22; while the feebleness of age is expressed by inability to endure them,  Ecclesiastes 12:5 . Yet coming in great numbers, they are destructive to all herbage,  Amos 7:1 . See Locust .

King James Dictionary [4]

GR`ASSHOPPER, n. grass and hop. An animal that lives among grass, a species of Gryllus.

Morrish Bible Dictionary [5]

This insect cannot be distinguished from the locust. See LOCUST.

Holman Bible Dictionary [6]


People's Dictionary of the Bible [7]

Grasshopper. See Locust.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [8]

Grasshopper . See Locust.

Fausset's Bible Dictionary [9]

(See Locust .)

Kitto's Popular Cyclopedia of Biblial Literature [10]

The creature denoted by this Hebrew word so evidently belongs to the class of 'flying creeping things' , that the grasshopper, according to the common acceptation of the word, can scarcely be the proper translation. Other reasons render it most probable that a species of locust is intended. It is, therefore, referred to the general English word [LOCUST].

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [11]

Bibliography Information McClintock, John. Strong, James. Entry for 'Grasshopper'. Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature. Harper & Brothers. New York. 1870.
