Govern [1]
Gov'Ern, L. guberno. The L. guberno seems to be a compound.
1. To direct and control, as the actions or conduct of men, either by established laws or by arbitrary will to regulate by authority to keep within the limits prescribed by law or sovereign will. Thus in free states, men are governed by the constitution and laws in despotic states, men are governed by the edicts or commands of a monarch. Every man should govern well his own family. 2. To regulate to influence to direct. This is the chief point by which he is to govern all his counsels and actions. 3. To control to restrain to keep in due subjection as, to govern the passions or temper. 4. To direct to steer to regulate the course or motion of a ship. The helm or the helmsman governs the ship. 5. In grammar, to require to be in a particular case as, a verb transitive governs a word in the accusative case or to require a particular case as, a verb governs the accusative case.
Gov'Ern, To exercise authority to administer the laws. The chief magistrate should govern with impartiality.
1. To maintain the superiority to have the control.