Gissur Einari (Or Einarsen)

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Gissur Einari (Or Einarsen) [1]

Einari (or Einarsen), Gissur

an Icelandish theologian, lived about the middle of the 16th century. He studied at Hamburg and Wittenberg, where he heard Luther and Melanchthon, and in 1540 was elected bishop in place of Paulson. In 1541 the government granted the ministers the privilege of marriage, of which they had been deprived since 1272, and this innovation occasioned many disputes. During these troubles Einari died. Such was the animosity against him that by order of the bishop, Jon Areson, his body was disinterred and his ashes scattered to the winds. He left a translation of the Proverbs of Solomon in Norwegian (Holar, 1580). See Hoefer. Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
