Giovanni De Vecchi

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Giovanni De Vecchi [1]

an Italian painter, was born at Borgo San Sepolcro in 1536. He studied at Rome under Raffaellino della Colle, and afterwards with Taddeo Zuccaro, who was at that time engaged in embellishing the palace of the cardinal Alessandro Farnese at Caprarola. Here he was rather the competitor than the pupil of Zuccaro, and executed several important works. His best productions are in the palace at Caprarola, in the Church of San Lorenzo in Damaso, and in the Church of Santa Maria d'Ara Cceli. Among the latter are the Four Doctors of the Church, and several histories of St. Jerone. He also frescoed the cupola of the Chiesa del Gesu. He died at Rome in 1614. See Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, s.v.
