Giovanni Caroli

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Giovanni Caroli [1]

an Italian Dominican, was born about 1425. In 1457 he received the degree of doctor of theology; was appointed dean of the theological faculty at Florence in 1459; and died there Feb. 1, 1503. He wrote, Expositio in Psalmos Graduales, In Psalmum 113 Et In Oficium Defuenctorum (Paris, 1477): a number of biographies, published in Leandi Alberti De Vimris Illustribus Ordinis Praedicatorum (Bologna, 1577). See Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. 1, 708; Jocher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v.; Echard, De Scriptoribus Ordinis Dominica norum; Oudin, De Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis. (B. P.)
