Giovanni Alberghino
From BiblePortal Wikipedia
Giovanni Alberghino [1]
an Italian monk of the third Order of St. Francis, was born at Palermo in 1574. He assumed the habit of that order in 1590. While still young, he took his doctor's degree, and taught philosophy and scholastic theology with great credit. He was appointed definitor of the province of Sicily, and twice provincial, as well as consulter and censor of the Inquisition. He died at Palermo in 1644, in the Convent of St. Mary of Pity. His works are, Manuale Qualificatorum S. Inquisitionis (Palermo, 1642, 8vo; Saragossa, 1671): — Lucubrationes Scholasticce et Mor. Theologie: — Breve Chronicon Tertii Ordinis ‘ S. Francisci. See Mongitore, Biblioth. Sicil. 1, 314; Coromnelli, Biblioth. Univ.; Landon, Eccles. Dict. s.v.