Gilles Afhacker

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Gilles Afhacker [1]

a theologian of Holland, a native of Vreeswyk, was professor of theology at Utrecht near the commencement of the' 17th century. He wrote a curious history of the theological disputes which existed at that time in Holland between the Gomarists and Remonstrants. This history, published under the pseudonym of Salomon Theodote, is entitled Enotikon Dissecti Belgii, in quo Historica Relatio Orqiinis et Progressus eorum Dissidiarum 'Continetur quac in Faderatis Belgii Provinciis Remonstrantes et Contraremonstrantes per Annosciliquot Exagitarunt (Ursellis, 1618). See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
