Germer St. De Flay

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Germer St. De Flay [1]

Germer (St.) De Flay

(Germarus of Flaviacum), in the district of Beauvais, is said to have been born of a noble Frankish family at Giviarandra or Warandra, on the Itta, about A.D. 610. He married a noble lady, and founded a monastery near Flaviacum; but retired, cir. A.D. 648, to the monastery of Pentallum, near Rouen, of which he became abbot. Later he withdrew to a cave near the Seine, where he was ordained presbyter, but finally returned to Flaviacum, over which he presided till his death, September 24, 658. See Smith, Dict. of Christ. Biog. s.v.
