George Payne
George Payne [1]
an English Congregational minister, was the son of a Baptist minister at Walgrave, Northamptonshire, and at a very early age gave indications of superior intelligence. He was educated in Hoxton College and the University of Glasgow. In 1807 he became assistant to the Reverend Edwar Parsons, of Leeds, and in the following year to the Reverend George Lambert, of Hull. In 1812 he removed to Edinburgh as pastor of Albany Street Chapel, where he labored eleven years. In 1824 he was called to the theological chair in Lancashire College, Blackburn. After five years in that capacity he became president and theological professor of the Western College, Exeter, where he remained until his death, June 19, 1848, at the age of sixty-seven. He published, Divine Sovereignty. — Original Sin (London Congregational Lectures for 1844): — Elements of Mental and Moral Science: — Elements of Language and a tractate on Congregationalism. See (Lond.) Cong. Year-book, 1848, page 234; (Lond.) Evang. Mag. 1848, pages 393, 415.