George Mcelhiney

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

George Mcelhiney [1]

a Protestant Episcopal clergyman, was born near Londonderry, Ireland, in 1799. He studied first in London, next at Paris, and then under Reverend E.D. Barry, of Baltimore, Maryland; when nineteen years old, he began the study of theology under Reverend Dr. Wyatt, of the same city. In 1820 he was ordained and began his labors in the parish of St. James. Baltimore County. In 1826 he removed to a parish in Charles County, and shortly after visited Europe. On his return home he resumed charge of his first parish, and in September 1829, went to Princess Aisne parish, Somerset County. In October 1834, he became rector of St. Anne's Church, Annapolis, and so continued until his death, May 2, 1841. As an agent in behalf of the convention to obtain funds for the support of the episcopate, he secured more than $50,000. See Sprague, Annals of the Amer. Pulpit, 5:646.
