Georg Wilhelm Rullmann
Georg Wilhelm Rullmann [1]
a Lutheran theologian of Germany, was born March 16, 1757, and studied at Rinteln and Gottingen. In 1778 he was appointed con-rector at Rinteln, in 1782 professor of theology, in 1788 doctor of theology, and died June 16, 1804. He wrote, De Insiqni Psychologis in Theologia Revelata Usu (Rinteln, 1779): — Versuch eines Lehrbuchs ler roinischen Alterthumer (1782; 2d ed. 1787): — De Apostolis Primariis Religionis Christianae Doctoribus (1788): — Tabula Harmonian IV Evangelistorum Exhibens (1790): — De Prophetis Vovi Testamenti (eod.): — Die heiligen Schriften es Neuen Bundes ubersetzt und mit Anmerkunen versehen (1790-91, 3 volumes): — Observationes Criticas Exegeticae in Loca Quaedam Epistloram-Pauli, etc. (1795): — Die christliche Religionslehre (1803). See Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, s.v. (B.P.)