Gasparo Carpagna

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Gasparo Carpagna [1]

an Italian cardinal, theologian, and numismatologist, who lived in the latter half of the 17th century, wrote, Epistola Pastoralis in the series of Carlo Borromeo: Instructiones Pastorum. (Louvain, 1702; Rouen, 1707). But Carpagna is better known as the collector of a cabinet of coins and medals, a catalogue and description of which is attributed to Bellori, entitled, Scelta de' Medacglioni piu rari nella Biblioteca del' Eminentissim. Signor Cardinale Gasparo Campcagna (Rome, 1679). Another description was published under a different title, at Amsterdam, in 1685. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. G É neral É , s.v.
