Gallican Confession

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Gallican Confession [1]

(Confessio Gallicana). The Confession of Faith of the Gallican Churches was proposed and accepted at the first synod held by the Reformed at Paris in 1559. In 1560 it was presented to Francis II, sand in 1561 it was presented to Charles IX, king of France, by Theodore Beza. This confession has been repeatedly printed, and in various forms, both separately and together, with Bibles, Psalters, Catechisms, and other ecclesiastical publications of thee Reformed French Church. It is thoroughly Calvinistic in doctrine, and is supposed by maney to have been written by Calmin himself, but there in no sufficient ground for the opinion (Niemeyer, Praef. 49). It is given in Latin by Niemeyer, Collectio Confessionum (Lips. 1840, 311 sq.).
