Friedrich Vicc (Viccius)

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Friedrich Vicc (Viccius) [1]

Vicc (Viccius), Friedrich

a Lutheran theologian, was born Sept. 9,1629, at Breslau, in Silesia. He studied at Wittenberg, and was permitted to lecture there. In 1658 he was appointed co-rector at St. Mary Magdalene's in his native place; in 1665 he was made deacon of St. Elisabeth's; in 1667 professor of the Elisabethanum; and died Jan. 27,1697, as pastor of St. Elisabeth's and inspector of the evangelical churches and schools. He wrote, Dissert. de Ufrim et Thummim: De Prceconio Josephi AEgyptiaco: De Antiquitate Hebraicce Linguae: Dissertt. aliquot ad Cap. 11 Geneseos. See Pantke, Pastores der Kirche zu St. Elisabeth in Bresslau; id. Pastores zu St. Maria Magdalene ingleichen Prcepositi und Ecclesiastea; Jdcher, Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lex. s.v.; F Ü rst, Bibl. Jud. 3, 476; Steinschneider, Bibliog. Handbuch, s.v. (B. P.)
