Friedrich Uhlemann

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Friedrich Uhlemann [1]

a German doctor and professor of theology, was born at Zeitz, Nov. 26, 1795, and died at Berlin, April 19, 1864. He is the aulthor of Hebrdische Sprachlehre. ( Berlin, 1827 ): Elementarlehre der syrischen Sprache (ibid. 1829; 2nd ed. 1857; Engl. transl. by E. Hutchinson, N. Y. 1855): Insfitutiones Linguce Sanaritance acced. Chrestonmath. Samar. cum. Glossario (Lips. 1837): De Varia Cantici Canticorum Interpretandi Ratione (Berlin, 1839): Aneitung zum Uebersetzen aus demn Deutschen In Das Hebrdische (ibid. 1839-41, 2 pts.): Symeon der erste Sdulenheilige in Synien und sein E Ü nfuss auf die w;eitere Verbreitung des Christenthums ins Orient (Leips. 1846). See Zuchold, Bibl. Theol. 2, 1361; Furst. Bibl. Jud. 3, 457; Steinschineider, Bibliog. Handb. p. 142. (B. P.) .
