Freidrich Rudolf Hasse

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Freidrich Rudolf Hasse [1]

a German theologian, was born at Dresden June 29,1808. After studying at Leipzic and Berlin, he established himself, in 1834, at the university of the latter city as privatdocent; in 1836 he became extraordinary professor of Church History at the University of Greifswald, and in 1841 ordinary professor at the University of Bonn. Subsequently he was also appointed consistorial councilor. He died in 1862. His principal work is the excellent monograph Anselm von Canterbury (Leips. 1843- 52,2 vols.), one of the best works of this class, and which had the merit of causing amore scientific treatment of the history of scholasticism. His Geschichte des alten Bundes (Leips. 1863) is a course of lectures, and, as such, is meritorious. His Kirchengeschichte was published after his death by Koher (Leips. 1864, 3 vols.). See Krafft, F. R. Hasse (Bonn, 1865); Studiel u. Kritkien, 1867, p. 823.
