Francesco Pertusati

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Francesco Pertusati [1]

Count, an ascetic Italian author, was born in Milan May 9,1741. The son of a senator of Milan, he was educated among the Jesuits, for some time wore their habit, and never ceased to be attached to them. He divided his leisure between the education of his children and the direction of works of charity. His devotion to the religious and absolutist party exposed him to persecution: arrested in 1796, on the invasion of the French, and conducted to Nice, he was obliged, in 1799, to seek refuge in Venice. He died at Milan May 22, 1823. His works are very numerous, and all translated from the French into Italian. See Beraldi, Memorie di religione (Modena, 1823); Rudoni,' Cenni sulla vita e sugli scritti del F. Pertusati (Milan, 1823, 8vo).
