Foreseen Foresee

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Foreseen Foresee [1]

1: προοράω (Strong'S #4308 — Verb — proorao — pro-or-ah'-o )

with the aorist form proeidon (used to supply tenses lacking in proorao), "to see before" (pro, "before," horao, "to see"), is used with reference (a) to the past, of seeing a person before,  Acts 21:29; (b) to the future, in the sense of "foreseeing" a person or thing,  Acts 2:25 , with reference to Christ and the Father, Rv , "beheld" (here the Middle Voice is used).

2: προείδω (Strong'S #4275 — Verb — proeidon — pro-i'-do )

an aorist tense form without a present, "to foresee," is used of David, as foreseeing Christ, in  Acts 2:31 , Rv, "foreseeing" (Av, "seeing before"); in  Galatians 3:8 , it is said of the Scripture, personified, personal activity being attributed to it by reason of its Divine source (cp. ver.  Galatians 3:22 ). "What saith the Scripture?" was a common formula among the Rabbis. In the Sept.,  Genesis 37:18;  Psalm 16:8 (proorao); 139:3.

3: προβλέπω (Strong'S #4265 — Verb — problepo — prob-lep'-o )

from pro, "before," and blepo, "to see, perceive," is translated "having provided" in  Hebrews 11:40 (Middle Voice), marg., "foreseen," which is the lit. meaning of the verb, as with Eng. "provide." In the Sept.,   Psalm 37:13 .
