
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Fore-Jotre [1]

in Norse mythology, was the principal Jote, i.e., the oldest giant, the forefather of the ancient Forjontnian deities, who ruled over Scandinavia prior to the Asas, and were driven out by Odin. Their history lies so far in the past that little is known of them save their name; but from this we deduce a mythology personifying nature. Fore-jotre had three sons: AEger, the sea; Kare, the air; Loge, the fire; and one daughter: Ran, theft. This last was the wife of AEger, and by him. she had nine daughters: Himinglafa, the heaven-threatening; Dufa, the deep; Blodugadda, the blood-thirsty; Heffring, the rising; Udur, the falling; Raun, the rustling; Bylgia, the storm; Drosbna, the threatening; Kolga, the flood. Kare, the air, produced Frosta, the frost; the latter produced Snio-hingamble, the icy snow. Loge, the third son of Fore-jotre; married Glod, the flame; and by him she had Einmiria, the coal, and Eisa, the ashes. (See Norse Mythology).
