Fir (Tree)
Fir (Tree) [1]
2 Kings 19:23 (b) This is a type of the finest and best of Israel's men. (See also Isaiah 37:24).
Isaiah 14:8 (b) Probably this refers to the millennial time when Satan will be cast down and will be unable to bring trouble on the earth. The fir tree is a type of the happy life of a believer. It is a picture of joy particularly when found in the life of a leader. So these leaders may rejoice in peace when Satan is cast out of the earth and chained for the thousand years.
Isaiah 41:19 (c) This is a picture of the joy of the Lord that fills the believer's heart when he is in the midst of distressing and disturbing conditions.
Ezekiel 31:8 (a) This is a type of the great men of Assyria who excelled in might, power, pomp and dress. They were not like the great men of Israel, but were more beautiful and attractive in their appearance and demeanor.
Hosea 14:8 (c) By this figure is represented a happy Christian life, a life of usefulness for the Lord, and a happy situation.
Nahum 2:3 (b) By this figure is indicated that the great men of Israel, the leaders of their worship and service, were to be humbled and defeated by GOD's command.
Zechariah 11:2 (b) The comparison here is between the size of the little fir tree and the great cedar tree. The lesser person weeps and grieves when the greater person dies or falls in the battle. This Scripture was used at Spurgeon's funeral.