Filippo Palladino

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Filippo Palladino [1]

an Italian painter, was born in Florence about 1544. It is not known by whom he was instructed, but Lanzi says he seems to have studied the Lombard more than the native artists, and to have been acquainted with Baroccio. After acquiring considerable reputation by his picture of the Decollation of St. John in the church of that saint at Florence, and an altar- piece in S. Jacopo a' Corbolini at Milan, he was obliged to fly from that city on account of some disturbance. He sought refuge at Rome, where he was received by the prince Colonna; but being pursued he went to Sicily, and resided at Mazzarino, on an estate belonging to the Colonna family. There, as well as at Syracuse, Palermo, Catania, and other places, he executed works for the churches, which Lanzi says are elegantly designed and finely colored, though they are not free from mannerism. He died at Mazzarino in 1614.
