Filippo Bonanni

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Filippo Bonanni [1]

an Italian Jesuit, was born at Rome, Jan. 11, 1638. He joined his order in 1654; was in 1676 custos of the archives and in 1695 rector of the Maronite college. In 1698 he was appointed custos of the Museum Kircherianum, and died March 30, 1725. He wrote, La Gerarchia Ecclesiast. (Rome, 1720): Ordinum Religiosorumii in Eccl. A'ilitanti Catalogus (ibid. 1706i 1714; Germ. transl. Nuremberg, 1724): Ordinum Equestrium et Militarium Catalogus (ibid. 1711). See Winer, Hand. der theol. Lit. i, 613, 699, 728; Jocher, Allgem. Gelehrten-Lexikon, s.v. (B. P.)
