Eutyche De Cordes

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Eutyche De Cordes [1]

a Belgian theologian, was born about 1520 at Antwerp. He entered the Benedictine order, in the monastery of St. Justin of Padua, of the congregation of Monte Cassino, was elected abbot of San Fortunate, near Bassano, and was invested with this title when he assisted, February 26, 1562, at the eighteenth session of the Council of Trent, being one of the theologians chosen to arrange the catalogue of suspicious or pernicious books. After the close of the council he returned to the abbey of St. Justin, where he died in September, 1582. He left in. MS., Commentarius in Omnes Epistolas Pauli: Commentarius in Synmbolum Apostolorum: Dictionarium Biblicum. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.; Biog. Universelle, s.v.
