Eustory (Or Hector) De Beaulieu

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Eustory (Or Hector) De Beaulieu [1]

Beaulieu, Eustory (Or Hector) De

a French poet and theologian, a native of Beaulieu (Lower Limousin), wrote in the early half of the 16th century. He was sluccessively organist of the cathedral, comedian, Catholic priest, and Protestant minister. He wrote, Doctrine et Instruction des Filles Chratiennes Desirant Vivre selon la Parole de Dieu, avec la Repentance de liomme Pecheur (1565): some songs and a collection of poems, published at Lyons in 1537, entitled Divers Rapports. He is also the author of Prologues: Deux Moralites: Enfant Prodigue, etc. According to Beauchamps he changed his name from Eustory to Hector, which occasioned the mistake of Duverdier, who makes a representation of two different authors. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Generale, s.v.
