Etienne Le Moine

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Etienne Le Moine [1]

a very learned French Protestant minister, was born at Caen, in October, 1624, and became well skilled in the Oriental and classical languages, besides attaining great distinction as a theologian even while yet a student at the Protestant seminary in Sedan and the University of Leyden. After his graduation he was appointed pastor at Rouen, and rapidly rose in favor with his brethren. For political reasons he was imprisoned for a short time, and upon his release negotiated for an appointment at his Dutch alma mater, where he was finally appointed a professor, and successfully taught for some time. He was honored with the rectorate, and in various other ways, and his learning was acknowledged even in England. Oxford University conferred the doctorate of divinity on him in 1677. He died at Leyden April 4,1689. Several dissertations of his are printed together, and entitled Varia Sacra (Leyden, 1685, 1694, 2 volumes, 4to). He also wrote other works, but none of them are now of any value. See Hoefer, Nouv. Biog. Genesis s.v.
