Ernst Gottlieb Von Bengel
Ernst Gottlieb Von Bengel [1]
a Protestant theologian of Germany, was born Nov. 3, 1769, at Zavelstein, near Calw. He studied at Tubingen, and in 1792 was appointed assistant librarian at the theological seminary in that place. From 1792 he travelled in Germany for literary purposes, and in 1800 he was appointed deacon at Marbach. In 1804 he was called to Ellwangen, and in 1806 to a professorship in Tibingen. Here he remained for the remainder of his life, highly honored by the civic and ecclesiastical authorities, and died March 23, 1826. He published, Diss Inaug. ad Introductiones in Librum Psalmorum Sup. plementa Qucedam Exhibens (Tubingen, 1806): — Diss. Historico-theologica, quid in Augenda Immortalitatis Doctrina Religioni Christiance ipsi hujus Conditores Tribuerint (ibid. 1808): — Diss. Historico-theologica, quid Doctrina de Animarum ‘ Immortalitate Religioni Christians Debeat? (pt. i-vi, ibid. 1809-17): — Pror. Interpretatio Loci Paulini, Rom. ii, 11-26 (ibid. 1813): — Ueber das Alter der jiidischen Proselytentaufe (ibid. 1814): Archiv fuir die Theologie und ihre neueste literatur (ibid. 1814-21, 5 vols.): — Progr. Operis in Sacris Reformandis Peracti Indolet Religiosa Magis quam Politica Defenditur et Commendatur (ibid. 1817): — Progr. Observationes de Pauli ad Rem Christianam Conversione Acf. 9:1-16; 22:3-16;. 26:9-20 Narrata (ibid. 181920): — Diss. Symbolarum ad Solvendam Qucestionem, an Juddei Jesu et Apostolis Antiquiores iisque et Quales Naturam Divinam vel Humanam Saltern Majorem in Messia Apparituram Prcestolati Sint (ibid. 1822-23): — Progr. de Logo Johanneo (ibid. 1824). See Doring, Die gelehrten Theologen Deutschlands, i, 70 sq.; Winer, Handbuch der theol. Lit. i, 11, 18, 81, 141, 474, 604; ii 378. (B. P.)