Ercole Procaccini

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Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

the elder, was the head of the celebrated family of artists of that name. He was born in 1520 at Bologna, where the greater number of his works still exist. He died about 1591. Authors are divided in opinion respecting his merit: Baldinucci and Malvasia call him a painter of moderate talent, while Lontazzo esteems him to be a happy imitator of the coloring and grace of Correggio. His design is too minute and his coloring too languid, but he possessed far more taste than most of his contemporaries, and precision free from mannerism, which eminently qualified him for an instructor of youth. Several eminent artists, among whom were Sammacchini, Sabbatini, Bertoja, and his own three sons, were his disciples. English Cyclop. s.v. Those interested in his works may consult Spooner, Biog. Hist. of the Fine Arts, vol. 2.
