Edward Norris Kirk
Edward Norris Kirk [1]
a Congregational minister, was born in New York, August 14, 1802. He graduated from the College of New Jersey in 1820, studied law eighteen months, and in 1824 graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary. He acted for a time as agent for the American Board of Foreign Missions in the Southern States, and in 1828 was settled over a Presbyterian Church ill Albany, N.Y. In 1837 be went to Europe, preaching in London, and several months in Paris. In 1839 he returned to the United States, and in 1842 became pastor of the Mount Vernon Congregational Church in Boston, where he labored until 1871, when the failure of his health caused him to transfer the active duties of his office to a colleague. He visited Paris in 1856, in the interests of the American and Foreign Christian Union, to establish American Protestant worship in that city. He afterwards became president of the American Missionary Association. He died in Boston, March 27, 1874. Dr. Kirk was a preacher and writer of rare strength and brilliancy. He published two volumes of Sermons: — Lectures on the Parables: — a translation of Gaussen's Theopneustie, and other works. See Cong. Quarterly, 1878, page 259.