Edmund Waller

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [1]

a Baptist minister, was born in Spotsylvania County, Va., Jan. 1, 1775. His father and uncle were Baptist ministers, and distinguished for their zeal for the truth during the times of persecution in Virginia. His hopeful conversion occurred when he was but thirteen years of age. He delayed making a profession of his faith in Christ until he was twenty-three years of age, uniting, in 1798, with the Baptist Church at Bryan's Station, Fayette Co., Ky. In 1802 he was licensed to preach, and ordained May 11, 1805. Following the practice of Baptist ministers in the section, of the country in which he lived, he had the pastoral care of two or three churches at the same time. He preached during the last years of his life for two churches one at Mount Pleasant, and the other at Glenn's Creek dividing his time between them. His ministry was a successful one. He is believed to have baptized fifteen hundred persons, most, if not all, of whom connected themselves with churches under his pastoral care. He died in 1843. See Baptist Memorial, 2, 267. (J. C. S.)

The Nuttall Encyclopedia [2]

Poet, born in Hertfordshire to great wealth, and educated at Eton and Cambridge; early gave evidence of his genius for poetry, which, however, was limited in practice to the production of merely occasional pieces; he was in great favour at court; was a member of the Long Parliament; leant to the Royalist side, though he wrote a panegyric on Cromwell, which, too, is considered his best poem; he revived, or rather "remodelled," the heroic couplet form of verse, which continued in vogue for over a hundred years after (1605-1687).
