
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( n.) A liberty, privilege, or advantage, which one proprietor has in the estate of another proprietor, distinct from the ownership of the soil, as a way, water course, etc. It is a species of what the civil law calls servitude.

(2): ( n.) A curved member instead of an abrupt change of direction, as in a baseboard, hand rail, etc.

(3): ( n.) That which gives ease, relief, or assistance; convenience; accommodation.

King James Dictionary [2]

E'Asement, n. Convenience accommodation that which gives ease, relief or assistance.

He has the advantage of a free lodging, and some other easements.

In law, any privilege or convenience which one man has of another, either by prescription or charter,without profit as a way through his land, &c.
