
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Webster's Dictionary [1]

(1): ( n.) One who, or that which, drives; the person or thing that urges or compels anything else to move onward.

(2): ( n.) The person who drives beasts or a carriage; a coachman; a charioteer, etc.; hence, also, one who controls the movements of a locomotive.

(3): ( n.) The driving wheel of a locomotive.

(4): ( n.) An attachment to a lathe, spindle, or face plate to turn a carrier.

(5): ( n.) A crossbar on a grinding mill spindle to drive the upper stone.

(6): ( n.) An overseer of a gang of slaves or gang of convicts at their work.

(7): ( n.) The after sail in a ship or bark, being a fore-and-aft sail attached to a gaff; a spanker.

(8): ( n.) A part that transmits motion to another part by contact with it, or through an intermediate relatively movable part, as a gear which drives another, or a lever which moves another through a link, etc. Specifically:

King James Dictionary [2]

Driver, n.

1. One who drives the person or thing that urges or compels any thing else to move. 2. The person who drives beasts. 3. The person who drives a carriage one who conducts a team. 4. A large sail occasionally set on the mizenyard or gaff, the foot being extended over the stern by a boom.
