Dominicum [1]
a term applied by ancient writers to the Lord's day, the Lord's Supper, and the Lord's house. Cyprian uses it in two meanings in the same paragraph: Locuples et dives es, et Dominicum celebrare to credis, quae corbonam non respicis? quae in Dominicum sine sacrificio venis; quae artem de sacrifcio, quod pauper obtulit, sumis?" — "Are you a rich and wealthy matron, and do you think that you rightly celebrate the Dominicum" (Lord's day or Lord's Supper), "who have no regard to the corban? who come into the Dominicum" (the Lord's house) "without any sacrifice, and eat part of the sacrifice which the poor have, offered?" The general application of the word was to the Lord's house. Jerome says that the famous church at Antioch, which was commenced by Constantine, and completed and dedicated by Constantius, had the name of Dominicum aureum, in consequence of its richness and beauty. — Ducange, Glossarium Med. et inf. Latinitatis, s.v.; Farrar, Ecclesiastes Dictionary, s.v.; Bingham, Orig. Ecclesiastes book 8, chapter 1.