Dominic Basana

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Dominic Basana [1]

or, a Christian martyr, was a citizen of Bassano, Italy, and followed the wars of Charles, the emperor, in Germany, where he received the first taste of Christ's Gospel. He became able to instruct others in this doctrine, and he travelled and worked in the Church, till at length, in 1550, he went to Placentia, and there preached to the people the true doctrine. He was taken by some officers and put in prison. From thence he was led to the chancellor's house, and was asked whether he would renounce his doctrine. He answered that he maintained no doctrine of his own, but only the doctrine of Christ, which he was ready to seal with his blood; and at the same time gave hearty thanks to God for accepting him as worthy to glorify his name with his martyrdom.Upon this, he was committed to a filthy and stinking prison, where, after he had remained a few months, he was exhorted divers times to revoke, otherwise he should suffer; but still he remained constant in his doctrine; whereupon, when the time came assigned for his punishment, he was brought to the market-place where he had preached, and there was hanged. See Fox, Acts and Monuments, 4:461.
