Dom Pierre Hyacinthe Morice De Beaubois

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Dom Pierre Hyacinthe Morice De Beaubois [1]

a French scholar, was born October 25, 1693, at Quimperle, Basse Bretagne, of noble and wealthy parentage. He studied at the College of Rennes, and made his vows in 1713 at the abbey Saint Melaine, which belonged to the Order of the Benedictines of Saint Maur, where he was intrusted with several offices, and also with the instruction of novices. In 1731 he was called to Paris to elaborate the genealogy of the family Rohan, and lived there in the monastery of "Notre Dame of the White Robes." After the completion of this work, which procured for him a pension of 800 livres, he engaged, at the solicitation of the authorities of Bretagne, on a new history of that province, but death surprised him at Paris, October 14, 1750, before the entire publication of this work (afterwards revised and completed by Dom Taillandier). Morice edited Lobineau's Memoires pour servir depreuves a l'Histoire ecclesiastique de Bretagne (Paris, 1742-46, 3 volumes, fol.), and himself published L'Histoire ecclisiastique et civile de Bretagne (Paris, 1750-56, 2 volumes, fol.), which is considered superior to Lobineau's by the additions and explanations, as well as by its style and exactness of details, and very valuable to the French ecclesiastical student. A new edition of the two works in 20 volumes, 8vo (Guincamp, 1836-37) leaves much to wish for.
