
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Μερίς (Strong'S #3310 — Noun Feminine — meris — mer-ece' )

denotes "a part" (akin to merizo, Distribute, A No. 2),  Luke 10:42;  Acts 8:21;  2—Corinthians 6:15;  Colossians 1:12 (lit., "unto the part," or share, of the inheritance). In   Acts 16:12 the RV translates it "district," with reference to Macedonia. See Part.

Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( n.) The territory within which the lord has the power of coercing and punishing.

(2): ( n.) A division of territory; a defined portion of a state, town, or city, etc., made for administrative, electoral, or other purposes; as, a congressional district, judicial district, land district, school district, etc.

(3): ( v. t.) To divide into districts or limited portions of territory; as, legislatures district States for the choice of representatives.

(4): ( a.) Rigorous; stringent; harsh.

(5): ( n.) Any portion of territory of undefined extent; a region; a country; a tract.

Holman Bible Dictionary [3]

 1 Kings 20:14-19 2 Chronicles 11:23 Nehemiah 3:9-18 Matthew 15:21 Matthew 16:13 Mark 8:10 Acts 16:21  Matthew 2:22  Matthew 9:26 9:31

Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Literature [4]

in the Methodist Episcopal Church, a territorial division of a Conference. Each Conference is divided into districts, including a convenient number of churches and societies (appointments); and each district is placed under the charge of a presiding elder. The bishops are empowered to form the districts according to their judgment. See Discipline of the M.E. Church, part 2, 13; Stevens, Hist. of Methodism, book 7, chapter 2; and the art. (See Presiding Elder).
