
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Charles Buck Theological Dictionary [1]

Uneasiness at our present state. Man never appears in a worse light than when he gives way to this disposition. It is at once the strongest proof of his pride, ignorance, unbelief, and rebellion against God. Let such remember, that discontent is a reflection on God's government; that it cannot alter the state of things, or make them better; that it is the source of the greatest misery; that it is an absolute violation of God's law,  Hebrews 13:1-25 and that God has often punished it with the most signal judgments,   Numbers 11:1-35;  Psalms 107:1-43 :


Webster's Dictionary [2]

(1): ( a.) Not content; discontented; dissatisfied.

(2): ( v. t.) To deprive of content; to make uneasy; to dissatisfy.

(3): ( n.) Want of content; uneasiness and inquietude of mind; dissatisfaction; disquiet.

(4): ( n.) A discontented person; a malcontent.
