From BiblePortal Wikipedia
King James Dictionary [1]
Deliciously adv. In a delicious manner in a manner to please the taste or gratify the mind sweetly pleasantly delightfully as, to feed deliciously to be deliciously entertained.
Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [2]
Revelation 18:7,9Delicately
Webster's Dictionary [3]
(adv.) Delightfully; as, to feed deliciously; to be deliciously entertained.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [4]
dē̇ - lish´us - li ( στρηνιάω , strēniáō "to live hard or wantonly"): "She (Babylon) ... lived deliciously" ( Revelation 18:7 , Revelation 18:9 the King James Version, the Revised Version (British and American) "wantonly," the Revised Version, margin "luxuriously").