
From BiblePortal Wikipedia

Vine's Expository Dictionary of NT Words [1]

1: Εὐσχημόνως (Strong'S #2156 — Adverb — euschemonos — yoo-skhay-mon'-oce )

denotes "gracefully, becomingly, in a seemly manner" (eu, "well," schema, "a form, figure"); "honestly," in  Romans 13:13 (marg., "decently"), in contrast to the shamefulness of gentile social life; in   1—Thessalonians 4:12 , the contrast is to idleness and its concomitant evils and the resulting bad testimony to unbelievers; in  1—Corinthians 14:40 , "decently," where the contrast is to disorder in oral testimony in the churches. See Honestly.

 1—Corinthians 12:23Comely.

Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible [2]

Decently .   1 Corinthians 14:40 , ‘Let all things be done decently and in order,’ that is, in a comely, handsome manner; for that is the old meaning of ‘decent,’ and it is the meaning of the Gr. word used.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia [3]

dē´sent - li ( εὐσχημόνως , euschēmónōs ): Only once is this word found in our English Bible ( 1 Corinthians 14:40 ). It is in the last verse of that remarkable chapter on the proper use of spiritual gifts in the church and the proper conduct of public worship. It does not refer here to absence of impurity or obscenity. It rather refers to good order in the conduct of public worship. All things that are done and said in public worship are to be in harmony with that becoming and reverent spirit and tone that befit the true worshippers of God.
