David Jacobs

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

David Jacobs [1]

a minister of the Lutheran Church; was born in Franklin County, Pa., Nov. 22, 1805. He was educated at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Penn. (class of 1825). While at college he was particularly distinguished as a linguist, and in the absence of the professor of languages was requested to hear the recitations in Latin and Greek. He commenced his theological studies under the direction of the Rev. Dr. B. Kurtz, and completed them in' the Theological Seminary at Gettysburg in 1827. The same year he took charge of the classical department established in connection with the seminary, from which Pennsylvania College took its origin. He was very successful as a teacher. No one ever pursued his work more nobly, or with an aim more exalted. He received license to preach the Gospel in 1829, but his health was so delicate that he seldom officiated in the pulpit. He died Nov. 30, 1830, in the twenty-fifth year of his age, at Shepherdstown,Va., as he was returning from a trip to the South, whither he had gone in pursuit of health. In talent he was above the ordinary standard, a ripe scholar, and those who were brought in contact with him appreciated his excellent character, and acknowledged his eminent services.
