David Home

From BiblePortal Wikipedia

David Home [1]

A French divine of Scottish birth, who flourished towards the close of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century, "was engaged by James I to attempt the impracticable task of uniting all the Protestant divines in Europe in one system of religious belief." The most important of his writings is Apologia Basilica, seu Machiavelli Ingenium Examinatum. He is also supposed to be the author of two satires against the Jesuits, entitled Le Contre Assassin, ou reponse a l'Apologie des Jesuites (1612, 8vo), and L'Assassinat Du Roi, Ou Maximes Du Viel De La Montagme Vaticane, etc. (1617, 8vo). Nouv. Dict. Hist. 1, 271; Gorton, Biogr. Dict. vol. 2.
