David Coulter
David Coulter [1]
a Presbyterian minister, was born November 8, 1808, near Georgetown, Sussex County, Delaware. He early experienced conversion, and united with the Church when about seventeen years of age. After obtaining a good English education in the common schools of his neighborhood, he went to Easton, Pennsylvania, and was prepared for college in the Manual Labor School, taught by the Reverend George Junkin, D.D. He graduated from Lafayette College in 1838, and from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1841; was licensed to preach by Newton Presbytery, April 28, the same year; soon after went to Missouri, where, for about two years, he preached at Auxvasse. He was ordained by Missouri Presbytery, July 5, 1843, pastor of the Rocheport and Fayette churches, where he labored zealously and usefully until August 18, 1848; next acted as stated supply at Round Prairie and Millersburg, and pastor of the latter Church from December 10, 1853, to April 3, 1856; and of Hopewell Church, in Lafayette Presbytery, from April 22, 1856, to April 20, 1867, at the same time serving Prairie Church. After preaching at Columbia, Missouri, a little over a year, he served the churches of Liberty and Bethel from 1868 to 1874. He was now quite infirm, and at length entirely unable to read; but he tried to preach even to the last. He died at Liberty, August 20, 1878. See Necrol. Report of Princeton Theol. Sem. 1879, page 42.