Dark (Darkness)

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Dark (Darkness) [1]

These words are used to describe four different kinds of mental comprehension, or physical experience. In the Scriptures which are used, an attempt will be made to suggest which kind of darkness is indicated.

Matthew 22:13 (a) Here we find a tragic description of the eternal condition of those who are lost. This is "eternal darkness." The soul who turns his back on GOD and rejects JESUS CHRIST who is the light of life enters eternity with no light and shall remain in utter darkness and outer darkness forever.

Matthew 27:45 (c) On this occasion the darkness was "actual" and "literal." It may be taken as a warning to sinners that all of those who crucify CHRIST, who reject Him and turn their backs on Him will be forever in the outer dark. This same picture was given in Egypt when the plague of darkness fell upon the people. The idolators and all of those who rejected GOD in Egypt were enveloped in the dense darkness which could be felt while there was light in all the houses of Israel who believed GOD.

-"Mental darkness" is probably referred to in the following Scriptures: Proverbs 2:13; John 1:5; Acts 26:18; 2 Corinthians 6:14; 1 John 2:11; Isaiah 50:10.

-"Eternal darkness" is undoubtedly the meaning of the passage in Matthew 8:12 and in Matthew 25:30; Job 10:21.

For other examples of "mental darkness," see Matthew 6:23; Psalm 69:23; Romans 11:10; Zechariah 11:17; Romans 1:21; Job 38:2; Amos 5:18. For other examples of "spiritual darkness," see Psalm 107:10; Psalm 112:4; Isaiah 5:20; Isaiah 9:2.

Ephesians 5:11 (b) This work describes "social" darkness. It refers also to social service performed by religious groups in which GOD and CHRIST and the Bible are omitted and only the welfare of human beings is considered. These works leave the beneficiaries greatly helped physically, but they remain in the dark spiritually. No light from Heaven has come, no information from the Bible, and no knowledge from GOD. ( 2 Peter 1:19).

Ephesians 6:12 (b) This is evidently "mental darkness," for Satan is busy blinding the minds of them that believe not lest they should be saved. The unsaved have no true light on the Son of GOD and His wonderful work of Calvary. They cannot and do not understand the Bible. (See also Ephesians 5:8; Colossians 1:13).
